On this page, you’ll find our most recent letter that was sent out via the Weekly with respect to the Coronavirus and its impact on Granite Springs. For more information about in-person gatherings, visit granitesprings.org/regathering.
March 3, 2022
The following announcement was in the Weekly: In light of the recent updates from the CDC and California Department of Public Health, masks are now recommended, but not required, for all individuals. Thanks, as always, to all of our Granite Springs community who have navigated the many changes of the last two years with grace and love for our neighbor.
July 31, 2021
Dear Friends,
Given the recent spike in the highly contagious “Delta Variant” of the COVID-19 Virus, we at Granite Springs, following the advice of the CDC and the California Department of Public Health, recommend (not require) everyone wear masks as we participate in our Sunday worship services.
Thank you once again for living in the spirit of “Love Your Neighbor,” especially those around us with compromised health and those not able to be vaccinated yet such as children.
Grace and peace to you all.
On behalf of the Granite Springs Elders,
Pastor Kevin Adams
June 17, 2021
Dear Friends,
What a gift. In the midst of an ongoing and unpredictable global pandemic, our Granite Springs’ community has reacted with such grace. It’s good and life-giving—to have the message of God’s grace as the unifying and direction-setting gospel idea at the center of our church life. And what beauty, to see grace lived out in so many small and big ways: in social distancing, in temperature taking before worship, in “check in” phone calls, in those who have faithfully set up our outdoor and online services, in not “forcing” diverse opinions, and in ongoing giving and serving. We can revel in this gospel testimony, the living embodiment of Psalm 133, “How good and pleasant it is when sisters and brothers live together in unity.” It is a tangible and concrete “passing (and living) the peace.”
And what a gift to be at a “new” stage that will enable worship to feel a lot like our “old” ways! With the updates from the State this past week, we are excited that many aspects of our Sunday time together can begin to look like they did before the pandemic. Beginning this Sunday, June 20, we will no longer be requiring pre-registrations, check-in or social distancing and will not need to enforce capacity limits – another excuse to bring your family and friends!
In addition, our worship services will be returning to a normal length and we will return to sharing Eucharist together by intinction (dipping the bread into the juice). As we know that some in our community are not yet vaccinated, particularly our youngest (grade school and middle school) friends, we want to continue to show them care, so those serving communion will continue to wear masks. In addition, you will be able to exit either out the side doors of the sanctuary or through the atrium.
With respect to masks, we will be following the State’s masking requirements. Masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals, but are still required for those who are unvaccinated. As we navigate these next steps, we encourage all of us to show continued care for the health of those around us, and to honor these guidelines. In Children’s Ministry, our volunteers will continue to wear masks, whether vaccinated or not, as an extra precaution for the children.
The atrium will be fully open again, and we’ll have coffee/tea and lemonade. In the weeks to come, we will again offer fuller refreshments to aid and sustain our socializing! We will continue to offer online streaming of the 9 AM service, with it recorded and available to watch at any point. Also “Shepherd’s Cove”—our outside seating near the playground—will be available for both services.
Thanks again for your grace through all the “pivots” in our worship these past fifteen months. And thanks again, for living the gospel of grace.
Grateful for you and our entire community,
Kevin Adams
For GS Staff and Elders