Lenten Prayer

Lent, the 40 days before Easter, is a time to develop habits which put off the old self and put on the new, living into our new identity in Christ. As a community we’d like to develop habits of prayer and scripture memorization. Each week we are using a different prayer written by Marc Holland from City Life Church. We are also memorizing a verse from Psalm 100, a beautiful Psalm which reminds us of who we are.

The prayer and verse for this week are posted below.


Loving Father,

Your actions over millennia shout “LOVE” to me and this world.

I don’t deserve to be your child, yet you have let me into your inner circle – my flakiness, selfishness, waywardness, and all my stubborn mess included. You are with me for the long-haul. That is your love of me. May I reflect it. And live out of thankfulness for it. Through your Spirit’s power, amen.

– Prayer by Marc Holland, City Life Church, Sacramento, CA


Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. – Psalm 100:2

