Through a Worship Renewal Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship we have spent the past year exploring Psalm-based baptismal identity. Our goal has been to let a sense of “I am baptized!” sink deeply into our bones, giving us a sense of identity which impacts the way we work, the way we parent, the way we live our lives and interact with the world. While reflecting on identity formation, the book of Psalms in the Bible has played an important role. This book contains words which serve as a model for prayer which shape the way we interact with God and form our faith. Though the Psalms were written long ago, they still resonate with us today as they teach us to bring all of our lives and all of our emotions before God. Through opportunities to engage the Psalms, sermon series, seminars, and celebrations of baptism, we have come to appreciate the richness of the sacrament of baptism and the important role it plays in reminding us who we are and whose we are.
The Psalms and You: Baptismal Identity