Busy Builders & Granite Kids

At Granite Springs, we teach children the Gospel message to foster children’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to provide a welcoming environment for children to develop their walk with the Lord and friendships with their peers. We want children leaving each Sunday from Granite Kids knowing that God loves them and all their hope, strength, and peace is in Him.

Involving children in the worship service is another aspect of the Granite Springs children’s ministry. Children often help lead worship and recite different Psalms for the Call to Worship during the services each Sunday. We see children as a gift to our community, and want them to be involved. Our desire as the Granite Springs Granite Kids Team is to help families come together and participate in worship together.

One of the Granite Springs Church main children’s events is Music Camp.

This is a week where children learn a musical that is intertwined with the Gospel message and then have a performance for the Lincoln Community. Other children events to keep look out for are Parent’s Night Out, Spring Carnival, Fall Festival, and Christmas Caroling.

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