More Ministries

For more information about any of these ministries, either to serve or to participate, contact us.

Care & Compassion

Our desire is to show love and care to everyone in need. When individuals face life challenges, they wonder who will be there to walk alongside them. During difficult times like hospitalization, a family crisis, or the death of a relative, team members contact those in need.

Our team blesses people’s lives through visiting, praying, spending time and developing close friendship. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to walking with our community through difficult seasons. Our team follows Jesus’ example, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Mathew 9:36).

Our purpose is to visit homes, hospitals, convalescent or nursing facilities to offer prayer, comfort, encouragement and friendship to Granite Springs Church families and our neighbors.


We all need community and moms are no exception!

MOPS is a safe, inviting environment where mothers are able to come together and experience some well deserved “me” time. It is an opportunity to share parental triumphs and to seek advice for moments of failure.

It truly takes a village, and MOPS seeks to provide that.

Gathering Inn

The Gathering Inn is a community-based response to south Placer County’s homeless population.

At Granite Springs, we provide and serve a meal and a safe place to sleep for these people once a month (the first Monday of each month).

To learn more about the Gathering Inn ministry, visit their website.

Financial Peace University

As growing disciples of Christ, one of the last “holdouts” in our lives can often be money. Many of us swipe credit/debit cards or pull cash out of our wallet with little thought of managing it carefully, let alone with Christian principles in mind.

A couple of times each year, Granite Springs hosts Dave Ramsay’s Financial Peace University, which seeks to help people understand how to best manage their finances. It’s helpful whether you’re just getting started in life, or are years into a career.

Sight Word Busters

The Sight Word Buster program consists of volunteers who tutor students in various Placer County schools. This program is simple, structured, and fun. Volunteers enjoy working with students and the students love the tutors. The teachers appreciate having the extra help in the classroom.

Granite Springs volunteers provide one hour a week working with students at the First Street Elementary School in Lincoln. In kindergarten classes, students learn letter names, sounds, consonant-vowel-consonant words, and the first 100 sight words. In the first and second grades, the volunteers help students master a list of 240 words that are high-frequency in the English language and reinforce math and reading skills. This program is a wonderful blessing for many because fluent reading skills enable children to succeed in school and enter college.

Food Bag Program

Everyday one in three children in Placer County struggle with hunger. Many children live in food-insecure households, meaning they do not know with certainty where their next meal will come from. Most of these children rely on the meals provided by national school meal programs as their primary source of food.

While many of us look forward to the weekend with anticipation, these children regard the weekend with anxiety and apprehension. What will they eat over the weekend? Placer Food Bank sponsors the food bag program that provides young school children with nutritious, easy-to-prepare food for weekends.

Each Friday afternoon during the school year Granite Springs Church volunteers distribute over 300 bags of child-friendly snacks and meals at First Elementary School in Lincoln.
