Who We Are
Experiencing the wonders of God’s grace.
These are key words for us at Granite Springs, particularly as we find them embedded in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15). There, we see a Father welcoming home a child who has journeyed far and gotten lost.
We believe we all need to experience God’s welcoming embrace and that as we grow, we become more like the Father – offering that embrace to others.
Like every church, we have the things we emphasize, our core creeds and beliefs, and the people who help lead this place. Feel free to poke around and learn more – we hope you experience grace as you do!

What We Believe
About Our Denomination
People from a dazzling tapestry of backgrounds find a home at Granite Springs. Attendees come from almost two dozen countries of origin, dozens more denominational backgrounds, and a great many from the background of “I’ve never been part of a church before and can’t believe I’m part of one now.”
While we feel solidarity with Christians of all continents, languages and backgrounds, our specific Christian accent is “Reformed.” As such we highlight God’s covenant family love, his desire to see all things reconciled through Jesus, his sovereign, gracious rule, and the guiding authority of the Bible.
Our denomination is an intriguing network of churches called the Christian Reformed Church that has a famous offspring named Calvin University and well known Christian thinkers and writers like Nicolas Wolterstorff, Alvin Plantinga, George Marsden, Gary Schmidt, and James K.A. Smith.
We find freedom in embracing robust, historic Christian faith, expressed in three ancient creeds and our favorite historic confession:
Our Team
In addition to our staff, we also have elders and deacons who help lead at Granite Springs:
Jim Norman
Titus Davis
Joan Curry
Dolly Leedy
Paul Dungan (serves last names A-C)
John Keaney (serves last names D-G)
Janine Camerer (serves last names H-K)
Cheryl Edwards (serves last names L-O)
Diann Kalsbeek (serves last names P-S)
Samantha Born (serves last names T-Z)