Practicing Prayer During Lent

Each week during Lent, the forty days leading up to Easter, we have been praying a different prayer and working on memorizing a verse of Psalm 100 as a community.

The prayer and verse for this week are posted below.


To the Maker of Heaven and Earth:

My hopes for life are processed through my calendar, my friends, and the plans I carefully craft.  My underlying desires remain unexamined.  I come to you mainly when my plans don’t deliver.  Please transform my prayer life.  Let prayer be a daily habit.  Train me to put my deepest desires before you daily.  Help me to humble my calendar and plans before your Grand Plan.  Deep down I actually desire your gracious acceptance most.  I want to experience it.  Will you help me?  Amen.

Prayer by Marc Holland, City Life Church


Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 100:4


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