Praying through Lent

As a community during the season of Lent, the forty days leading up to Easter, each week we have been praying a different prayer and working on memorizing a verse of Psalm 100. This is just one of the ways that we practice living into our baptismal identity in a season which was historically a time of preparation for baptism. Psalm 100 reminds us of who we and whose we are. We are people belonging to God. The prayers focus on different areas of our lives which are changed in the light of our new identity.

The prayer and verse for this week are posted below.


Dear Son of God,

You experienced the noise I face everyday: people shouting, things banging, music-making, dogs barking, messages arriving—and you pursued solitude for spiritual refreshment.  I live in the noise and feel like I rarely hear your voice.  I’ll calm myself and make more time for you—this is my promise.  When I break it, I’ll cherish your grace and try again.  Meet me, more often, in private moments where my spiritual vitals can be taken and I can be refreshed.  Amen.

Prayer by Marc Holland, City Life Church


His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Psalm 100:5b


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